Thursday, December 1, 2011

Knitting in October and November

I have been so busy knitting that I haven't taken much time to catch up on my computer. So today I'm playing catch up. I don't have any family birthdays between Sept. 18 and Nov. 19, so this is my time to do some things for myself. I did do a few things for other people also, but mostly it has been me time. I started me time with this sweater made with the llama wool I got from the doctor that delivered 13 of my 19 grandkids.
This lovely sweater has been stretching. I have not hung it on a hanger, but alas, it's still stretching. I may end up felting it and making a bag. 
I was so lucky I won the yarn from Mary Taylor to make these very fun gloves! They are from the book Knitting On Top Of The World, by Nicky Epstein

I am such a practical simple person I had to make a tie so I could tie them together and use it as a scarf. 
It's an awesome scarf and I wear it everywhere! 

I had some leftover yarn so I made this cute little vest! It's fun and comfy! 

At the same time I was doing the gloves, vest and sweater I was working on this doll for my friend Mary P.  This is a Jean Greenhowe Topsy-Turnabout Doll. She is really only one doll. 

Little Miss Muffett

Old Mother Hubbard 
Little Red Riding Hood

and her grandma!

It seams to me that all the stuff I've done in the past month has blended together and I don't remember what order I did them in so I start with what I just finished and work my way backward. I just finished this cute little puppy for my grandson Ryan. When I delivered it his older brother Bradly showed me his dinosaur that needed to be fixed. This is the fixed dino.
That was so very interesting! 

      I did this cool scarf for a friend in my church. 
         My, daughter Mary is so good to model it for me! 

Mary took a month off from work in October. She couldn't afford to go anywhere so she took a 4 week work job in Rhode Island! She had so much fun seeing all the cool sites there in Boston! While she was there she got some yarn at the Plymouth Plantation Museum. So here is the hat  and scarf  I made for her. I'm starting some mittens when I finish this blog!

I did this sweater for another friend at church! 
It's nice but I wish I had made the sleeves a bit longer. She liked it anyway! 

 I also made a sweater for my granddaughter, Abigail! It's called Hearts at Home.  

We got all our grandkids together for a picture in October! That was tons of fun! We had a breakfast one Saturday morning of muffins, scrambled eggs and more! So here they are! All 19!! 

One of my favorite things to make are felted bags! I made this with the llama wool so it had to have some llamas on it! I really enjoy needle felting! I actually made it with the cable from  Austrian Alps Jacket from the book Knitting on Top of the World, but when I felted it I lost all the beautiful cables. :( It is still quite beautiful! 

So what's up next? I had planned another doll for my granddaughter on the 7th of Dec. But it takes so much time(100 hrs) and I have so many other things I want to get done I have decided to take my time with it and have it finished for her mom's birthday in January. So what else do I have planned? Mittens! A llama! Christmas! A lion! and who knows what else! My heart is full! I'm so thankful for all my wonderful blessings! My Savior, Jesus Christ, my family, and all the abundance of life! 

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